Conferences, Classes, Certificates both Free/Pay: Educators, Professional Dev., Technology Enthusiast.

There are many resources available for professors who are looking for free courses to enhance their knowledge and skills. Some options include:

  1. Open educational resources (OER): OER are free and openly licensed educational materials that can be used for teaching, learning, and research. There are many OER repositories and websites, such as the Open Textbook Library and the OER Commons, that offer a wide range of free course materials, including textbooks, lectures, and exercises. Click Here

  2. MOOCs (massive open online courses): MOOCs are online courses that are open to anyone and typically offered for free by universities and other educational institutions. MOOCs cover a wide range of subjects and are often taught by professors from top universities. Some popular platforms for MOOCs include Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy. MOOC  Coursera  EdX. KhanAcademy Udemy  California fully online community college for FREE (CA residents only) 

  3. Scholarship 360

  4. Professional development courses: Many organizations and professional associations offer free or low-cost professional development courses for professors. These courses may cover topics such as teaching strategies, instructional design, assessment, and technology integration.

  5. Online communities and forums: There are many online communities and forums where professors can engage with their peers and share knowledge and resources. These include groups on social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Facebook, as well as forums and discussion boards on websites like the Higher Ed Professors Forum.

  6. Teacher Professional Growth 

 There are many resources available for professors who are looking for free courses to enhance their knowledge and skills. These include OER, MOOCs, professional development courses, and online communities and forums.


FREE AND PAID CONFERENCE: online and in person: 2023

This is throughout the year: Webinars

JAN 10: Cybersecurity Conference 2023 (sidenote: throughout the year conference): Infosec

JAN 10: Hitlab- Digital Health Symposium: FREE Review of JP Morgan Health Conference ’23: Hitlab

JAN 10: Delhi AI ML Developers Group: AI Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science: State of the Art Applied AI Conference

JAN 18: Psychology and the Courtroom: The 7th Free Online Advocacy Conference: Temple University

FEB 7-9: Academic english teacher, professional, expert this is for you.: Academic English (Cambridge University)

FEB 10: NFT Tech Conference 2023 Winter FREE Tickets:

FEB 25-MAR 1: Innovation Accelerated. SLAS 2023 International Conference and Exhibition: SLAS 

APR, MAY, OCT: University Facilities for the Sciences & Advanced Technologies, etc. : Tradeline 

APR 12-14: Level Up Your Learning: Learning Solutions

JUNE 20: Inspire XXVIII, BCS International Free Online Conference: FREE: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

keep checking in as I will continue this list all throughout the year.

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